OverProtocol OpenBeta Testnet (OBT) Szn 1, A step-by-step guide on running a Node on PC for Beginners.
GM GM Devs, In my previous article on OBT Szn 1. I shared a story on getting started with Over Protocol OverNode which covers the Installation, Registration, Security, Email verification and Launching process. In this article i’ll be putting you through every steps to run the Node and the User Interface of the Program, so if you’re yet to participate here’s your last chance in Season 1 and a preparation guide for season 2 scheduled for Q1 2024. So Sit back and read while sipping a chill bottle of Soda. so sit back and read while sipping a chill bottle of Soda.
This guide will cover the following:
- Staking and delegating a Validator.
- OverNode Missions.
The OBT is an event open to all existing users of the OverWallet Mobile Application who wishes to further the Early Adoption of the project by running a Node on their PCs.
Formerly this event had taken place in october where it was declared a Closed Beta Testnet (CBT) where participants had to fill a form to be considered.
Fast Forward to December, The Over Protocol team has decided to reopen the opportunity to the public based on some criteria which includes a certain point balance of 10,000+ within their exclusive OverWallet Accounts.
Let’s get Started.
- Staking: If you have been actively consistent in OCAP, earning Over points in the wallet App and own a sum of 10k or more points. This means you’re eligible to participate in the OBT on these terms after successfuly verifiying the email connected to your app, You’ll be awarded a minimum of 400 test Over (tOver). This is intended to carry out staking and token transaction within the program. To get your validator started and running a minimum of 256 tOver is required to delegate per validator, which means you can run upto five(5) validators in your account.
To do this:
Step 1: Ensure you approach a full 100% Block Sync process the head over to the the “Validator Tab” and select how many validators you wish to run (this is determined by your tOver Balance).
Step 2: Click on the “Next Button” and confirm the transaction.
Viola! Your Validator is up and running, You can always go back to the Validator tab to track 24hrs progress of your validator, block details, and qualiified income details and block rewards.

- Missions: Missions are crucial in the OBT as this would affirm user participation.
Step 1: Head over to the missions tab and click on each mission to activate, upon a successful completion of each mission you”ll be rewarded with a mission card. Try as much as possible to complete all missions as the Mission cards count for future rewards.

- The “My Tab” contains all the information about your transaction history, block height and timestamp, income board,and your tOver Balance.

- Ensure you frequent the the “Notification” to get updates and alert about the latest development e.g OverNode latest version release and block prompts.

- The “Settings” Tab: The settings tab contains all the information needed regarding the program and “YOU” the user’s Account. It is primarily categorized into five sections.
1. App settings
- App Version: This allows you to check the current version of OverNode that you are running under as it gives you an insight on when to upgrade to the latest version.
- The power save blocker toggle button helps OverNode to prevent sudden or abnormal shutdown while ensuring continous operation as in the case of system freeze or failure.
2. My Account
-Password Reset: This section allows for a if you chose to have one.
— Secret recovery phrase This is a key to access your Account on another device when you encounter cases like device loss or the urgency to sign-in in a different location without your personal PC.
3. Node
— Data storage Location: It houses the Operational Data for the Node, This is where OverNode writes all Data and It can be found on your PC via the dir just in front of it.
- Restarting the Node: This is applicable in terms of a “Block Sync Error” or a “Delayed Sync” it is adviced to come to this tab and restart, restarting the Node will begin a fresh synchronization of the Block Data.
- Delete Node Data: Deleting the Node Data is like a making a factory reset of the Node storage i.e all data stored in the “data storage location” will be erased. Note that this does’nt delete your personal account.
4. Language
The Language tab allows user’s to chose the preferred language to operate the Node.
5. Contact
Here you will find the official links to OverProtocol’s website and Socials, Like Discord, Medium, X (Formerly Twitter) and Instagram.
Looking forward to see you in Q2.
Thank you for reading.